Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Crafter's Block/Rambling on..

Hi everyone.  I'm just checking in.  I wanted pop in and say HI! and Happy Valentine's Day a day late to everyone.  I am feeling torn right now - the reason for this is because I have crafter's block.  I know we all get it at some point or another, but it has been happening a lot lately for me.  I have so many new goodies that I want to play with, but I haven't had the dedicated time I would like to have to create with my goodies because of various reasons.  During the week it is nearly impossible for me to craft, and on the weekends - My hubby and I try and do things we normally wouldn't be able to during the week - for instance the past weekend, we painted our bedroom ( partly anyway).  I helped him prepare for this project, but he did 95 % of the work, bless his heart, and I tended to other things around the house.  Weekends should be 3 days, not two.  There is so much more I could go on and on about, but I want to keep my followers, and not run them off :)

Seriously though - I pray that I can get things going again craft wise.  There are SO many new products coming out that I want - but I need to find the time to play with them!!  I have also been brainstorming.  This is on the other side of my lack of time spectrum.  If you follow me regularly - you know I want to be able to craft full time and make an income doing it - AKA " do what you LOVE to do for a living".  SO- I want to be able to come up with a video series, or post a tutorial on a weekly basis.  I think about doing this all the time - but there again I get stuck in my ruts.  So - if anyone has any feedback as to what they would like to see - even a "name" for a weekly basis series, something like Kristina Werner's Make a Card Monday, or Friday Focus.  Keep in mind - I am not trying to copy her - I just would like to do something similar like what she does.  My idea is to present a new video every Sat. - **  So - please post suggestions on what would sound good with Saturday**  I would LOVE to hear from my audience :)  It would tickle me so much. 

So let me hear from you!!!  Thanks from the bottom of my heart for those of you that follow me and stay with me even though I am sparse with my posts!!  It means a lot to me!!

Stay Calm and continue to craft :)


1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you about 3 days weekends, lol! I hope your inspiration (and free time) come back soon!
    I'm not good with names so sorry I can't help with that, but I'm excited about the idea of tutorials or videos! :)
